7th Munich Earth Skience School
Berghotel Sudelfeld
February 19-24, 2017
The Winter School is fully booked. If you register you will enter a waiting list.
MESS is getting real! After training the fundamentals of computational seismology in the Winter School of 2015 we are now looking into recent developments in this field that help us solving realistic problems in seismology. We will train specifically new 2(3)D codes based on the spectral-element method (Salvus, developed by A. Fichtner's group at ETH Zurich) and Axisem3D (developed by T. Nissen-Meyer and collaborators at Oxford University). There will also be an introduction to the concepts of homogenization, an elegant way of turning a discontinuous elastic model into a smooth one allowing regular grid methods to be used for complex models (Y. Capdeville, University of Nantes). Practical exercises will be dedicated towards solving realistic problems (e.g., strong heterogeneities, topography) or high-frequency global 3D seismograms. Exercises will be done using Jupyter notebooks and the virtualbox concept. As usual the workshop will start with a quick introduction to Python and ObsPy with focus on recent developments and new features. Participants can indicate geophysical model classes they want to have covered and - if possible - this will be accomodated. Training material in computational seismology is available at www.seismo-live.org. |
This text book is now available at Oxford University Press (hardcopy, paperback, or electronic). Until the end of 2016 a 30% discount is offered with code ASPROMP8 on the OUP www site. It covers the finite-difference method, pseudospectral methods, the linear finite (and spectral) element methods, the finite-volume method, and the discontinuous Galerkin method applied to the elastic wave equation followed by a review of domains of applications for the various methods in many areas of seismology and exploration. |
Lecturers: Mike Afanasiev (ETH Zurich), Christian Böhm (ETH), Lion Krischer (ETH), Kuangdai Leng, Tarje Nissen-Meyer (Oxford), Yann Capdeville (Nantes), Heiner Igel (LMU Munich)
Practical information: Lectures, practicals will be given from 8-11 and after 3pm (open end). Between 11am and 3pm (depending on conditions, winter sports facilities can be used, www.sudelfeld.de). More info on the winter sport programme can be found here.
Philosophy: This workshop combines the thrill of learning, studying, and practicing seismology, with the thrill of wintersports and being out in nature. Beware that the hotel is isolated in the mountains, no shopping, no public transport to anywhere. WLAN is available free of charge at the hotel.
Costs: 500 € (incl. 5 days half pension, conference facilities, tuition, software). Arrival Sunday 19/2 leaving Fri 24/2 (lunch time). Note that the costs do not cover: lunch, drinks during meals, winter sports facilities. The number of participants is limited to ~30. First come, first serve basis. The area can be reached by train from Munich Airport (terminal station: Bayrischzell). Please note that there are only a few single rooms. You are encouraged to offer sharing a double room.
Logistics: Please make your way to Bayrischzell Station on Sunday 19th afternoon, unless you come with your own vehicle. We will provide a shuttle service from the train station to the hotel.
Tentative schedule:
Morning 8-11 |
Afternoon 15-18 |
Evening 20-open end | |
Sun 19 Feb |
Arrival - Icebreaker at 18:00 | Opening | |
Mon 20 Feb |
(Lion Krischer) |
Challenges in Computational Seismology Introduction to the Spectral Element Method (Heiner Igel) |
Tue 21 Feb |
The spectral-element method (Salvus) (Michael Afansiev) |
Salvus - Practical (Michael Afanasiev) |
Bogner Ski night (movies) |
Wed 22 Feb |
Salvus - Adjoint-based waveform inversion (Christian Böhm) |
Free Afternoon - Parallel slalom |
Thu 23 Feb |
Axisem3D - global synthetic seismograms (Tarje Nissen-Meyer) |
Homogenization - dealing with heterogeneous Earth models (Yann Capdeville) |
Mulled wine |
Fri 24 Feb |
Homogenization (cont'd) |
More details on programme, logistics will be given in February, 2017. If you have questions please contact heiner.igel@lmu.de.