Practical training

The Munich winter school is extensively built around exercises that are carried out in between presentations on fundamental theory or software packages like ObsPy. To make this feasible with heterogeneous hardware (i.e., your laptops) we use the virtual box concept and/or Jupyter notebooks (best installed by downloading anaconda). Please bring your own laptops!

While we will train basic Python and ObsPy it is useful to familiarize yourself with the basic concepts beforehand. Please consult the ObsPy www pages and the new collection of Jupyter notebooks at with lots of tutorials and access to some relevant publications.

Software Setup for 2019:

Dear participants,

we are sorry for the late notice on this, but **PLEASE DO THIS BEFORE

We will spend Sunday night helping people resolve installation issue but
it would be helpful if it already works for the majority of people.

You will run the tutorials at the MESS at your own laptop. Three things
are required:

1. Make sure you have enough free disc space. We recommend at least 20
GB of free disc space to avoid any unforeseen problems.
2. Install git ( There are various ways to install it.
3. A conda installation with the required packages.

To install conda, navigate to this website:

We recommend the installation of the Miniconda distribution
( but you are free to choose
the full Anaconda distribution.

Once you installed the version for your operating system please run the
following command (in a terminal on OSX and Linux, conda install a
special terminal on Windows - use that).

conda create -c conda-forge -n mess_2019 python=3.6 jupyter numpy scipy
"matplotlib<2.2" cartopy obspy keras tensorflow scikit-learn seaborn
pandas ipywidgets python-graphviz h5py statsmodels

(Make sure the quotes are copied correctly...)

One more step is required on Windows:

Run: "conda env list" and define where your environment resides:

$ conda env list
mess_2019      C:\Anaconda3\envs\mess_2019

open that path in windows explorer and then navigate to


there should be 3 files, delete them!

All the best