10th Munich Earth Skience School
16-21 February, 2020
This winter school will focus on methodologies relevant to inverse problems in Earth Sciences. As usual we will combine theory with practicals using the Python language and Jupyter notebooks. As always we start with a short introduction to Python/ObsPy with a focus on new features. Detailed programme will be published in late autumn 2019. The workshop will be held in memory of Albert Tarantola (1949-2009). Prior to the meeting we will provide reading material for preparation. Lecturers/Tutors: Andrew Curtis (Edinburgh), Klaus Mosegaard (Copenhagen), Andreas Fichtner and Lars Gebraad (Zürich), Yann Capdeville (Nantes), Jeannot Trampert (Utrecht), Joachim Wassermann, and Heiner Igel (Munich) All workshop material (Jupyter notebooks and slides) now available here! A video with memories of Albert Tarantola can be accessed here! Organization: Heiner Igel (LMU Munich) Picture courtesy Lion Krischer! |
Practical information: Lectures, practicals will be given from 8-11 and after 3pm (open end). Between 11am and 3pm (depending on conditions) winter sports facilities can be used (www.sudelfeld.de). More info on the winter sport programme can be found here.
Philosophy: This workshop combines the thrill of learning, studying, and practicing seismology and new methodologies, with the thrill of wintersports and being out in nature. Beware that the hotel is isolated in the mountains, no shopping, little to no public transport to anywhere. WLAN is available free of charge at the hotel. Note that we provide half pension only, in the ski area (within walking distance) there are restaurants where lunch is available.
Registration is now open.
Preliminary Programme:
Morning 8-11 |
Afternoon 15-18 |
Evening 20-open end | |
Sun |
Arrival - Icebreaker at 18:00 | Opening, software installation | |
Mon |
Welcome (Igel) Python/ObsPy Introduction (Wassermann) Inverse Problems, History-Overview, Legacy of Tarantola (Mosegaard) |
Linear and linearized inverse problems, norms, iterative methods, applications (Fichtner, Trampert) |
Late Night Special: “Memories of Albert” |
Local search strategies, adjoint method, gradients (Fichtner) |
Probabilistic inversion - Fundamentals (Mosegaard) | Late Night Special: "The Cambrian Explosion: Understanding the Origin of Animals" (Wood) |
Wed |
MachineLearning and Variational Inverse Problems (Curtis) |
Free Afternoon - Parallel slalom - Ski hut |
Bogner Ski night (movies) |
Thu |
Model space sampling (Mosegaard, Igel)
Hamiltonian Monte Carlo (Gebraad) Homogenization and Inverse Problems (Capdeville) |
Mulled wine, Conference Dinner |
Fri |
Applications (short presentations by participants) |