15th Munich Earth Skience School
23 - 28 February, 2025
ObsPy goes Downtown: Seismology in Cities
Seismologists used to stay away from noisy environments like cats avoid water. With the emergence of noise interferometry, novel instrumentation strategies like 6C sensor setups, or distributed acoustic sensing (DAS), cities have become an interesting target: There are several reasons: interferometry offers a unique opportunity to monitor near surface changes of elastic properties in connection with ground water or other mass movements. Geothermal exploration in the cities needs to be monitored and the closer one looks the more control there is on induced seismicity. Furthermore, the interaction of seismic wavefields with buildings, and the effect of buildings as sources of vibrations is not fully understood. In this winterschool we want to train the spectrum of methodologies that can be applied to understand structural changes in the subsurface and structures (buildings) with particular applications to city environments. Topics include seismic interferometry (MSNoise), 6C (rotation and translation) methods for subsurface imaging (twistpy.org), distributed acoustic sensing data analysis (dascore.org), seismic inversion applied to noise-derived waveform. As always we will train these methodologies with the help of Jupyter notebooks.Training material will be provided and will remain accessible through github.
Thomas Lecocq (ROB Brussels) - interferometry, MSNoise
Joachim Wassermann (LMU Munich) - ObsPy, induced seismicity
Felix Bernauer (LMU Munich) - Building vibrations, 6 C data analysis
Yara Rossi (LMU Munich/Univ. Oregon) - Structural health monitoring, data fusion
Sabrina Keil (LMU Munich) - 6 C data inversion
Eleonore Stutzmann (IPG Paris) - DAS data applications
Daniel Bowden (ETH Zurich) - DAS data processing and interferometry
Anjali Dhabu (Univ. Hamburg) - Seismic monitoring of infrastructures
Fabian Bonilla (University Gustave Eiffel, Paris) - nonlinear near surface effects
Richard Allen (Univ. Berkeley) - The "myshake" Project
Organization and contact: Heiner Igel (LMU Munich) and Thomas Lecocq (ROB Brussels).
A video on a previous winter school in 2019 can be seen here.
Costs: 800 € (incl. 5 days accomodation and half pension - breakfast and dinner, three coffee breaks per day, conference facilities, tuition, software). Arrival Sunday afternoon leaving Fri (lunch time). Note that the costs do not cover: lunch, drinks during meals, winter sport facilities. The number of participants is limited to ~40. First come, first serve basis. The area can be reached by train from Munich Airport (terminal station: Bayrischzell). Please note that there are only a few single rooms. You are encouraged to (or might be forced to) sharing a double room.
Practical information: Lectures, practicals will be given from 8-11 and after 3pm (open end). Between 11am and 3pm (depending on conditions) winter sports facilities can be used (www.sudelfeld.de). More info on the winter sport program can be found here.
Philosophy: This workshop combines the thrill of learning, studying, and practicing seismology and new methodologies, with the thrill of wintersports and being out in nature. Beware that the hotel is isolated in the mountains, no shopping, little to no public transport to anywhere. WLAN is available free of charge at the hotel. Note that we provide half pension only, in the ski area (within walking distance) there are restaurants where lunch is available.
Arrival options are to the venue are:
1 - Arriving by plane to Munich. You can continue by train to Bayrischzell (change at Munich central, total duration approx. 2hrs). Train schedule at www.reiseauskunft.de
2 - Arriving by train to Munich. Continue to Bayrischzell (approx, 1:15 mins)
3 - On Sunday February 23 2025 there will be two vans departing from Munich (Department of Earth Science, parking lot on the North side in Theresienstr. 41). On sunday we will provide a shuttle service from the train station to the hotel from around 15:00. More information shortly before the workshop.
Schedule, software, and data:
Software, anaconda environment, data, and slides can be accessed here.
Morning 8:30-11 |
11-15 |
Afternoon 15-18 |
Evening |
Sun |
S K I I N G S N O W B O A R D I N G |
Arrival of participants
Icebreaker 18:00 in Restaurant Ground Floor
Mon |
Welcome, Introduction to the Workshop "City Seismology" Igel News on ObsPy Wassermann The myshake Project Allen Nodes in the City Van Noten |
Know your Noise (MSNoise) Lecocq Site effects, resonance, HVSR Van Noten |
Experiment in the Hotel or vicinity (building vibrations) |
Tue |
6C for cities, Data processing with TwistPy Keil Distributed acoustic sensing for investigating the subsurface – Applications Stutzmann |
Distributed acoustic sensing - Fundamentals, data processing, interferometry Bowden |
Evening Special: Seismic signature of skiing Brass |
Wed |
Nonlinear near surface effects Bonilla Science talks from participants |
Free afternoon, parallel slalom, ski hut |
Bogner Ski Film Night (“Fire and Ice”) |
Thu |
Structural Health Monitoring - time domain - 6C and DAS Bernauer |
Structural Health Monitoring - frequency domain Rossi, Dhabu |
Mulled Wine outside, Special Dinner |
Fri |
Science talks from participants |
Participants leave |